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Assorted Music Training



Private Affair -
00:00 / 00:00

Is this truly your passion or just a momentary thrill? Is it what you truly want to do? Do your history prove it is has been a priority? Are you willing to invest the time, finances, resources, and effort required to become skilfull?

  • Piano/Keyboard

  • Lead & Rhythm Guitar

  • Bass guitar

  • Keyboard sequencing

  • Voice enhancement


Students who pay for "Single Lessons" must call each week to reschedule.
NOTE! Lessons may be scheduled on different days according to what day and time is convenient for you.


PURPOSE! This payment option works better for students who may have a random schedule and cannot come always on the same day and time.

$100/1-Hour (4 Weeks) (Continually!)

Students who "Prepay" for lessons "4 weeks" in advance may have a "Fixed Day & Time" in on which to attend lessons without rescheduling each week. You only need to just show up on the "Same day & same time" as agreed upon with PaSTOR D.

PURPOSE! This payment option works better for students who are sure you are able to maintain a strict and consistently stable schedule week after week over many seasons of training.

Are you frustrated and almost burned out from gleaning music lesson tidbits from YouTube  videos and internet lesson teasers?
ANSWER: It is time to be trainied by a REAL TEACHER!

Learn to play the piano, guitar, bass, keyboard sequencing, song writing, voice enhancement, etc. Beginners & Advancen - Traditional & Contemporary Gospel styles available!

View the "Full-time Student

12 Month Agreement"

Playing The Keyboard 

Ages - Children (7 yrs. old Up) & Adults  
Piano, in various ways, can be an easy instrument to learn to play. Not like struggling with the strings on a guitar or bass, piano requires only that you lay your hands across the keys slightly curved and tap the notes several at a time (chord).

Basic keyboard playing does not require that you possess special super fingers. Healthy hands and fingers are all that's needed.
Although longer fingers and nimble fingers can be a welcomed advantage.

Obviously, Churches and music organizations are always in need of pianist, I place special emphasis on encouraging students to learn piano. Understanding music theory on the piano gives the greatest advantage in understanding how music is put together. Guitarists and bassists who are familiar with playing the piano are usually more versatile and creative on the string instruments.



Playing The Lead & Rhythm Guitar
Rhythm guitar is played on 6 (tiny) strings. Guitar is by far the most difficult of all electronic instruments to learn. The challenge of playing the guitar is largely due to the repetitiveness of disciplining your left-hand fingers to bend at many angles simultaneously.

Generally, it takes a few seasons to condition your fingers for playing the guitar.After adjusting to the physical aspects of playing the guitar, playing eventually becomes easier.
I recommend learning the guitar only to those that are very, very patient, don't mind short finger nails, and who can endure the challenges of hours and hours of playing.

Playing The Bass Guitar
Bass guitar is the easiest of all electronic instruments to learn.
Usually one note is played at a time, thus minimizing how many things you have to concentrate on.

Bass guitar is played on 4 (Big!) strings.
5-string Bass guitar has evolved into the current standard. Usually, after going through a season in adjusting to the big strings on a bass, it eventually becomes smooth sailing from then on.

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